Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Chronological Archive Of BAD LASIK NEWS STORIES Warning Citizens That LASIK Is DANGEROUS & PERMANENT!

Think LASIK Is Safe In 2012-2013?  Here Are News Documentaries Showing LASIK Will Never Be  Safe:

YouTube LASIK Videos:

Dr. Waxler, Ex-Medical Chief at the FDA for 26 years, is now wanting LASIK stopped:

Watch any of these news documentaries about LASIK and why LASIK was never safe.
YouTube Videos:  "Proof that LASIK Was Never Safe."

America Investigates "Eye on LASIK Corruption" documentary surfaces:
 Part One:   (10 minutes)
Part Two:   (10 minutes)
 Part Three:    (10 minutes)
 Part Four:   (10 minutes)
 Part Five:  (5 minutes)
 Part Six: (10 minutes)
 Part Seven: (10 minutes)



February 18th, 2013:  FDA LASIK Investigation Bogged Down in Controversy, Uncertainty

February 15th, 2013:  Hurt LASIK Patient Starts Blog/Website To Try To Warn OTHERS THAT LASIK DOCTORS = LIARS!

February, 14, 2013 - The ASCRS Cornea and Refractive Surgery Clinical Committees are issuing a joint alert regarding the use of topical medications immediately prior to or intra-operatively during LASIK and PRK.

 February 13th, 2013:  China Times:  Ray Tsai-The doctor who first successfully performed laser eye surgery in Taiwan announced Tuesday that he will no longer perform the surgery because it could have serious side effects.  However, Tsai told local press on Tuesday that he will stop performing Lasik because he has observed situations in which visual acuity worsens suddenly long after the procedure has taken place.

 February 10th, 2013: Canadian's Global News/16:9 Reports Ex FDA Chief/LASIK Whistleblower, Dr. Morris Waxler, That  The LASIK Industry Is LYING About LASIK...And Warning Everyone To NOT LISTEN...It's DANGEROUS...Don't DO IT!

 February 4th, 2013:  Global News/16:9 Reports LASIK Patients Are Being Lied to About Having "TEMPORARY SIDE EFFECTS"  When In Reality They Are All Suffering From "PERMANENT COMPLICATIONS & INJURIES!"  Another Lie By The LASIK Industry...

 January 9th, 2013:  FDA Cites RandEye LASIK Mill, Deerfield Bch., FL For MISLEADING LASIK ADVERTISING Practices:,0,3151515.story

 December 18th, 2012:  FDA warns against improper advertising, promotion of lasers intended for LASIK corrective eye surgery:

 December 18th, 2012:  FDA WARNING LETTERS go out to 4 more LASIK CENTERS for DECEPTIVE advertising:

November 29th, 2012:  Nick Caro (Aka in the LASIK world as the "Mafia of LASIK") has been indicted on (5) Counts of Employee Pension Fraud:,0,4889958.story

 October 15th, 2012:  A Group of Hurt LASIK Patients In The UK/England Area Warn About The LASIK Lies & Corruption!   (And how the LASIK doctors at Optical Express RUINED THEIR LIVES...)

October 6th, 2012:  More Potential LASIK Suicides, While The FDA Does NOTHING To Warn The Public:

 September 15th, 2012:  "LASIK Glue Sticks Are Invented To Help DEAL With The Long-Term Problem of Flap Dislodgement:"

 July 25th, 2012:  FDA is put on notice about another unhappy LASIK patient wanting to commit suicide & begging FDA for help:  .

 July 13th, 2012:  "LASIK Surgeon Arrested for showing negligence:"

 July 1st, 2012:  "Optimax/UK Offers ruined LASIK Patient a Bribe of $20,000 Pounds To Sign Gag Order:"

June 2012:  James J. Salz, MD: "...I have heard bilateral LASIK advocates seriously state that this is one reason to do the two eyes together, so that the patient can’t compare the LASIK eye with the contact lens eye!"

May 2012:  "Preventing Ectasia Caused By LASIK/PRK...Using Collagen Cross Linking:"

 May 6th, 2012:  LifeAfterLasik Reports:  Approaching 630 petitioners asking FDA’s Commissioner Hamburg to resign or PULL LASIK or both to prevent more LASIK SUICIDES! .

 April 29th, 2012: Paul Harasim  "We Need A Clearer Picture of LASIK:"

April 2012:  Eyeworld Magazine Reports: "Treating Unexplainable Pain...
 Suicidal LASIK Patients Really Do Have Pain 200x Worse Than Skin Pain:"

 April 2012:  Journal of Refractive Surgery Reports:  "Pregnancy may trigger late onset of keratectasia after LASIK:" .

 "It is common knowledge that the biomechanical stability of connective tissue changes during pregnancy, leading to reduced stiffness and increased extensibility.  These changes are most probably hormone-induced and, therefore, corneal biomechanics also may change during pregnancy. "  "Pregnancy may stimulate progression of corneal keratectasia years after LASIK. This risk should be included in the benefit-risk analysis prior to LASIK in borderline cases."
 April 5th, 2012:  “China's/US Military Declares LASIK NOT SAFE for Military Personnel!”:

 April 3rd, 2012:  Stephen Slade, President of ACOS admits "Thousands hurt from LASIK Refractive Surgery...Causing LASIK Induced Ectasia!"

April 3rd, 2012:  Sharon Kleyne Announces that Dry Eyes Can have Many Causes: "LASIK surgery induced dry eyes may be more common than previously believed and, while usually temporary, can be severe. The condition has been attributed to either loss of tear stimulation due to the cutting of corneal nerves or to trauma-induced inhibition of hormonal feedback signals between the ocular surface and tear glands..."

 March 23rd, 2012:  FOX NEWS: "Nearly 5 million Americans over the age of 50 have the [extreme dry eyes] condition, which is caused by a number of factors – such as side effects of medications, LASIK surgery, allergies, and skin disease around the eyes."

March 20th, 2012:  Successful Motivational Speaker/Author/Coach, Joe Tye, Warns About The 12 Dangers of LASIK:

 March 18th, 2012:  LASIK Founder Files NDA For LASIK Injury Healing Drug:

 March 14th, 2012:  TheChinaPost: "China's Medical Community Warns Citizens of
Permanent LASIK Injuries By Re-Establishing NEW LASIK WARNINGS!"

 March 6th, 2012:  FDA's Margaret Hamburg & Jeffrey Shuren (Both Ex-CIA) Being Sued & Accused of Crimes on Humanity:

 March 2nd, 2012:  Dr. Morris Waxler Asking ANY DISSATISFIED LASIK PATIENTS To Come Forth And Be Added To His Petition To End LASIK:
 LASIK Morris Mar 2 2012 ltr resume PDF with links working.pdf

 March 3rd, 2012:  TheChinaPost Highlights Websites: " and Warns That LASIK Is Unsafe:"

 February 2012:  EyeWorld: "Ectasia Is A Hot Topic Among Military Refractive Surgeons:

 February 29th, 2012:  Minnesota Court Refused To Dismiss Malpractice Claims Against LASIK Surgeon: Note:  Expert Medical Witness George Waring Revoked of Case!  In a related motion, defendants’ counsel sought to discharge and replace defense expert George Waring, M.D., as “incompetent,” as a result of “issues with his memory.” Plaintiff opposed the motion, noting that Dr. Waring continues to treat patients, and no medical affidavit was offered to support Dr. Lobanoff’s claim that his own expert was incompetent. Instead, plaintiff argued that defendants sought to fire Dr. Waring because of his unsuitable history as an expert, including his consensual settlement in a hyperopic ectasia malpractice lawsuit filed against him; suspension of privileges from Emory University Eye Center for implanting a surgical device without the patient’s consent; and a criminal conviction for assaulting a flight attendant.

February 22nd, 2012:  Questions Surround LASIK Induced Ectasia:

 February 21st, 2012:  International LASIK Safety Concerns Drag Down Stocks In Taiwan & China:

"China Now In Question Over Safety/Efficacy of Elective LASIK Eye Surgery!”

Click Here To Read The English Version:
 February 21st, 2012:  China Shows Worry Over LASIK:
 February 19th, 2012:  China Executes A FDA Official That Took A Bribe And Was Corrupt!  Is the FDA in the USA Listening?

 February 16th, 2012: "Renowned Taiwan Ophthalmologist Refuses to Carry Out Laser Eye Surgery:"

 February 14th, 2012:  "Tsai, now an adjunct professor at Taipei Medical University, announced recently that he will no longer
perform any LASIK procedures because of side-effects suffered by many of his patients."

 February 12th, 2012:  Dr. Morris Waxler Sends Letter To Hurt LASIK Patients Stating That "The FDA Is Unresponsive:"

 January 16th, 2012:  "Another LASIK Suicide...All  While The FDA Keeps This From The Public:"

 September 23rd, 2011:  More LASIK Centers Go Out of Business!  One down, the rest to go!

August 13th, 2011:  On August 12, 2011, a judgment in the amount of $4,520,299.58 was entered against LASIK surgeon, Kevin Niksarli, M.D., and his professional corporation, Newsight Laser Center, PLLC.

 July 7th, 2011:  FDA Sends Correspondence To Dr. Waxler About His Petition To Immediately Stop LASIK:

June 3rd, 2011:  Dr. David Kisling Reports: "LASIK eye surgery is associated with a marked increase in the incidence of dry eyes. Estimates range from several thousand to several hundred thousand new cases of dry eyes disease added annually from LASER eye surgery:"

June 2nd, 2011:  Part Two:  Officer Larry Campbell Commits Suicide After Having A Bad LASIK Outcome, Never Having Suffered From Depression:

 June 1st, 2011:  Part One:  Canadian 16:9 News:  Shows LASIK Centers Making False Guarantees of 20/15 Vision To Deceive Uneducated Patients:


 March 28th, 2011:  Celebrity Apprentice:  Latoya Jackson Complains On The Show Of "Blurred Vision" From Just Having LASIK:"

 Click on the above.  Wait for commercial then watch entire show, it’s about half way and ¾ way through! 65:30 to 66:00 into it!  You  may have to fast forward, dragging the play bar, then wait for a 30 second commercial  but you’ll hear her say:  “I’ve been blurry in this eye that I just had LASIK surgery on…it’s like looking through swimming under water…”

February 18th, 2011:  MSNBC:  "Ex Chief of Medical Devices (26 years), Dr. Morris Waxler Tells All That Falsified  Studies Were Used To Get LASIK FDA Approval, He Wants It Stopped, & Wants Those Involved Criminally Prosecuted!"   Dr. Waxler is basically saying the FDA, Top LASIK Ophthalmologists and the Laser Manufacturers are all "CORRUPT:"

 February 16th, 2011:  Salon:  "What We Still Don't Know About LASIK:"

 February 11th, 2011:  "Is LASIK Eye Surgery Safe?  Ex FDA Regulator Says He Regrets Saying Yes:"

 February 10th, 2011:  LASIK LEAKS Sends Dean Kantis/LifeAfterLasik The Following LASIK Study:

 January 25th, 2011:  Jim Dickinson, Chief Editor and FDA Watchdog 35+ Years Reports:  "German Research Company Wants LASIK Stopped!!"

 January 16th, 2011:  Clearly LASIK Informant Told FBI "Turning Them In Because They Deserved It...That Was My Motivation, Not Money!!"

 January 16th, 2011:  When It Comes To LASIK, LASIK Physicians Will Even Try To Kill For Money!!

 January 12th, 2011:  Tiger Wood's LASIK Surgeon, Dr. Mark Whitten, TLC Vision, Sued Again!  $1.0 Million:

 January 11th, 2011:  FDA Petition Started, Urging Others To Sign & Urge Their Congressmen To Investigate LASIK As A Criminal Crimes:

January 6th, 2011:  Credible Ex-FDA Official, Dr. Morris Waxler, Files FDA Petition To End LASIK Forever, Seize Every LASIK Laser,  Withdraw The FDA PMA (Pre Market Approval) For LASIK, And Most Importantly, Start A Criminal Investigations On LASIK Physicians For
 Multiple Tiers Of Violations, Fraudulent Studies, Lies Ongoing To Patients To Avoid Being Sued, & Deceit:

 LifeAfterLasik Reported This News Here:

 A few days ago, Dr. Morris Waxler submitted a petition to the Food and Drug Administration to pull the approval for LASIK eye surgery. Dr. Waxler was the FDA's chief research scientist for the excimer laser at the time it was originally approved. Waxler's petition contains an analysis of the scientific literature that you may wish to read in order to learn about your eye health. The full text of the petition is here:

December 16th, 2010:  TLC LASIK Centers named in Class Action LASIK Lawsuit for having performed LASIK on patients they shouldn't have:

 December 12th, 2010:  Police arrest LASIK doctor stating that it is a CRIMINAL CRIME to hurt their patients:

 November 30th, 2010:  More Patients Coming Out With Permanent Injuries From LASIK Elective Surgeries:

 November 23, 2010: issues rebuttal statement to LASIK Surgeons who are losing money from recent bad press:

 November 23rd, 2010:  Laser Eye Center of Hawaii LLC has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization after
announcing last week that it would close at the end of the month:

November 1st, 2010:  "LASIK Industry Concerned About The Unpredictability of Permanent LASIK Scars:"

 October 4th, 2010:  Fox News:  LASIK Sales Down 25% From Recent Bad News About Long Term Damages To Every LASIK Procedure:

September 28th, 2010:  CNN LASIK Warning:  "Dr. Morris Waxler, Form FDA Chief Who's Group Approved LASIK, Tells CNN He Is Issuing A Public Health Advisory For The Public Stating " DO NOT DO LASIK, It's DANGEROUS:"

September 22nd, 2010:  ABC LASIK Warning:  Former FDA Chief, Mr. Morris Waxler, Files "LASIK Health Advisory" With Congress Today Stating "FDA Must Stop Epidemic of Permanent Vision Problems" caused by elective LASIK surgery:

 September 15th, 2010:  Neurologist begs the FDA to tell the truth about LASIK surgery:

 September 13th, 2010:  Had a BAD LASIK OUTCOME, here's how your LASIK doctor will attempt to quiet you:  "Hurt LASIK patient advocate, Dom Morgan speaks out against Dr. Anita Nevyas-Wallace and Dr. Herbert Nevyas"

September 11th, 2010:  Nevada disciplines LASIK surgeon, Dr. Stella Chou, for botched procedures:
"During the procedure I don't know what was going on, but at one point, the assistant was yelling at the doctor to stop! Stop!"

 September 10th, 2010:  Motivational Speaker, Joe Tye, says "LASIK was the worst decision of my life:"

 September 6th, 2010:  ESCRS research shows that 80% of the public is scared of elective LASIK surgery and does NOT TRUST the Ophthalmic physicians "used car sales pitches" any longer:

 September 2nd, 2010:  Nevada and Colorado LASIK physician, Dr. Cutarelli, under fire, 10+ patients complain of blind like vision:

 September 1st, 2010:  Allergan (maker of BOTOX) must pay $600 million in fines for deceptive advertising and consumer fraud:

 August 5th, 2010:  LASIK Lawsuit: "Patient Sues Her LASIK Doctor For $700,000.00!!"
Ms. Tracey Wallace and Eric Wallace v. Doctor Jonathan S. McGlothan

 August 5th, 2010:  Sun Sentinel News, Florida:  (5) More LASIK Centers in Florida Get
FDA Warning Letters For NOT Reporting All Hurt LASIK Patients To The FDA:

 July 28th, 2010:  “Trial court upholds $3.1 million LASIK lawsuit verdict for pain and suffering in post-LASIK ectasia case.”  LASIK Todd Krouner Devadas Press Release verdict - post trial motions -LR.doc  June 14th, 2010:  Las Vegas LASIK Doctor Disciplined, Fined, Community Service:

 April 20th, 2010:  LASIK Vision Institute, Boca Raton, FL Receives FDA Warning Letter For Failure  To File Mandatory Medwatch Cases For Each Permanently Damaged LASIK Patient:

 May 25th, 2010:  "Happy LASIK Patients Being Forced To Comment About LASIK
To Try To Keep Up With Unhappy LASIK Patient Reporting:"

 May 16th, 2010:  PRWeb:  "Are Long Term Risks Being Ignored & Downplayed By Top FDA & ASCRS Officials?

 May 14th, 2010:  Hurt LASIK Patients File "Dissatisfaction and Adverse Events" on begging for the FDA to listen and do something to prevent future harm to the public with "Elective Irreversible LASIK Surgery:"

 May 10th, 2010:  Ex Chief of Medical Devices, Mr. Morris Waxler, PHD Warns "I am Morris Waxler, PHD, former FDA official in charge of approving laser vision correction (LASIK) devices between 1996-2000.  Thanks to pointed questioning by LASIK-injured patients, I have re-examined the data FDA used to approve LASIK devices as well as the data from subsequent scientific studies and now conclude that LASIK-induced risks of permanent loss of vision overwhelm the temporary benefit of visual acuity improvement.  Please warn members of your organization that LASIK causes: * The cornea to thin and bulge (keratectasia).  *At least 15-30% risk of complications including permanent eye pain, glare, halos, dry eyes, night vision and other problems.  *Only a 60% chance of temporary reduction in dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

May 7th, 2010:  Ex Chief of Medical Devices, Mr. Morris Waxler, PHD Warns the FDA and President Obama About Publishing A "PHA" 'Public Health Advisory" for Elective LASIK Irreversible Eye Surgery:[1].pdf

 Dr. Stulting's Reply:

 April 19th, 2010:  FDAWeb Editor/President, Mr. Jim Dickinson, letter to Dean A. Kantis/LifeAfterLasik:   This letter questions the FDA's ability to provide "reasonable assurance that FDA Approved devices are safe:"

 April 15th, 2010 (tax day):  Ex FDA Chief of Medical Devices, Mr. Morris Waxler, PHD letter to Dean A. Kantis/LifeAfterLasik:   This letter shows all areas of perpetual failure and inability by FDA  to provide "Reasonably Safe and Effective" FDA Approved lasers and devices related to LASIK elective surgeries.

April 1st, 2010:  FDA "Corruption" Letter Authenticated: Lawyers, Start Your Engines!  March 18th, 2010:  Associated Press:  $180 Million Dollar Class Action LASIK Lawsuit Slammed At TLC Vision:  "Allegedly stating TLC Vision doctors conspired to push hurt LASIK patients past the Statute of Limitations..."

 February 25th, 2010:  ABC Special Report: "LASIK Public Health Alert Issued:"  Video comes on after commercial:  (Former FDA Chief of Medical Devices, Morris Waxler, PHD, Warns Public About Dangers of LASIK): (YouTube) (YouTube) (YouTube)

February 25th, 2010:  ABC News:  Lisa Stark:  To Feature "Special LASIK Report"
On Good Morning America, 7:30am EDT.  Thursday 25th, 2010.

 -As of February 19th, 2010:  Dr. Nicholas Caro SUSPENDED From Doing Any Type of Refractive Surgery-  Dr. Caro's married to the infamous Peggy Caro, has (1) daughter Lianna Caro, and (2) sons Dimitri and Spiro Caro.  Chicago, IL:  Dr. Nicholas Caro's medical license number: 036-061321, Physician Under "Disciplinary Probation." February 19th, 2010:  Chicago Tribune:  Infamous 50+ LASIK Lawsuit Surgeon, Nicholas C. Caro, Saint George Vision, Chicago, IL BUSTED With Disciplinary Action By Department of Regulation!!

 Father of Lianna Caro, Spiro Caro, Dimitri Caro and husband of Peggy Caro BUSTED as DANGEROUS LASIK Physician! Chicago, IL:,0,4301330.story

February 16th, 2010:  Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women & Families, said standards for deciding if a new device is equivalent to one already-approved are "too loose to assure safety or effectiveness...Our center regularly hears from patients and consumers who were harmed by LASIK & other products that were not adequately tested prior to being sold..."  February 14th, 2010:  Dr. Quentin Franklin and LASIKPLUS Sued for LASIK Malpractice

 February 11th, 2010:  OSN Supersite:  Early management of post-LASIK infectious keratitis critical to saving vision:

 February 10th, 2010:  Chicago LASIK Surgeon Charged With "Insider's Trading:",0,977196.story

 February 3rd, 2010:  Ophthalmologist Explains Dangers of Every LASIK Procedure To FDA, dated April 2008:

January 29th, 2020:  "Erik J. Rupard, a doctor and clinical researcher with the U.S. Army, is among those who think such scrutiny is necessary... "I saw lots of dry-eye complications in soldiers in Iraq who had undergone the procedure ostensibly because contacts are too unsafe in that dusty environment, and yet the Department of Defense has done no controlled studies to look at the cost
-- human and otherwise -- of these post-refractive issues."   January 26th, 2010:  “The public has now been informed of their ongoing incompetence, using words like ‘temporary side effects/symptoms,’ failure to submit mandatory Medwatch cases to FDA, instead of telling the patients the truth…’that you suffer from permanent complications/adverse events’ from this ‘elective procedure… .

 January 20th, 2010: Discussing Disciplinary Actions For Infamous LASIK Surgeon:  Nicholas C. Caro of Saint George Vision, Chicago, IL:  (See #23, last page).  Case:  200702685.

 January 18th, 2010:  FDA Warning Letter To Lasik Plus Vision Center Sugar Land, TX (10/30). Inspected 7/23, 28 and 8/5/09. Violations: The company failed to develop, maintain, and implement written MDR procedures (ophthalmic laser); FDCA 502(t)(2), 21 CFR 803.17.

 January 15th, 2010:  Successful Motivational Speaker Voicing His Concerns About LASIK:

January 14th, 2010:  60 Vision Care LASIK Clinics File For Chapter 11 Owing $50-$100 Million Debt:  January 11th, 2010: Web Call:  12 Noon/ET:  "Hurt LASIK Patients Speak Out About LASIK:
Minute Audio:  Pick One On Right Titled:  "For Some LASIK Brings More Problems..."

 January 6th, 2010:  ABC News:  LCA Vision Says It's LASIK Profits Plummet At It's LASIK Plus Centers:

 Jan. 2nd, 2010:  TLC Vision Getting Sued By Another Unhappy LASIK Patient:

December 2009:  Journal of Refractive Surgery:  "Shows Further Proof That The LASIK Flaps Never Fully Heal, Page 4:"  December 21st, 2009:  Tiger Wood's LASIK Sponsor, TLC Vision, Files Bankruptcy Today:

December 18th, 2009:  Swiss Tag Heuer Drops Tiger Woods USA Ads Announced Today: December 17th, 2009:  Tiger Wood's TLC LASIK Vision Receives NASDAQ Delisting Letter: December 16th, 2009:  Tiger Wood's Doctor's Doping Scandal Gets Scrutinized: December 15th, 2009:  Forbes:  "LASIK Elective Surgery May Have Permanent Complications & Psychological Effects:"  December 12th, 2009:  Tiger Woods Other LASIK Secrets That He Doesn't Want You To Know About:

December 10th, 2009:  28 out of 29 Post LASIK Patients Have Ectasia & Need Further Treatment Says Clinical Study :  December 9th, 2009:  Tiger Woods ex-girlfriend, Kashmira Karanjia's horrific LASIK result performed by Tiger's LASIK doctor yet Tiger continues to endorse elective LASIK surgery and TLC Vision/Dr. Marc Whitten:

December 4th, 2009:  A List Of Celebs & Athletes, Ruined By LASIK, Gets Published To Warn The Masses:  December 3rd, 2009:  More LASIK Turmoil Erupts At FDA!

 December 2nd, 2009:  Federal Trade Commission Issues "LASIK Warning" To Consumers About Risks And Urges Consumers To Turn In Any LASIK Physician or Clinic That Does Not State All Known Risks In Their LASIK Ads:

 December 1st, 2009:  "Is Tiger Woods Having Post LASIK Night-Time Problems, Multiple LASIK Enhancement Surgeries,  Driving Into Things At Night, Now Back In Glasses?"

 December 1st, 2009:  TLC LASIK Vision Centers– Lansing, MI (10/30). Inspected 9/10/2009. Misbranded: The facility is not in conformance with the MDR regulations. (LASIK devices); 21 CFR Part 803 (No code)

 November 19th, 2009: Houston Chronicle Reports:  "FDA Taking A Serious Look Into The Estimated 75,000 Permanently Injured LASIK Patients Every Year, And Is Very Concerned About This Becoming An Epidemic:"

 November 17th, 2009:  Dr. Michael Mockovak of Clearly
 LASIK Eye Surgery Centers Arrested For Plotting To Kill His Partner:

 November 16th, 2009:  ABC News:  "LASIK Isn't So Safe, Many Patients Complaining of Permanent Blurry Vision:"

 November 6th, 2009:  FDAWeb:  "126 Citizens Demand The FDA Place A Public LASIK Health Advisory""  Source: Nov. 6th, 2009
 November 2nd, 2009:  126 Americans Signed a Letter Asking the FDA To Issue A "Public LASIK Health Advisory" & Scrutinize Every LASIK Center Retroactively Speaking For Medwatch Filings & Full Disclosure of All Known Risks In All Advertisements:

 October 29th, 2009: Is Asking Hurt LASIK Patients To Support Their Efforts In A Letter Asking The FDA To Put A "Public LASIK Health Advisory/Alert" Out Until Real Long - Term Studies Can Prove Efficacy & Safety.   -Failure of LASIK Adverse Event Medical Reporting-  All LASIK Centers Continue To Violate FDA Law And Should Face Criminal Charges:

 October 28th, 2009:  10 LASIK Centers close their doors.  What happens to all of the unhappy patients?,0,3623045.story

 October 27th, 2009:  Be very careful of the following (17) LASIK Centers/Doctors at these facilities accused  of violating major FDA Laws and Guidance's, which could be potentially dangerous to their LASIK patients:

October 22nd, 2009:  FDA is asking consumers to report any LASIK doctor advertising without listing "All KNOWN RISKS:"  October 21st, 2009:  LA Times: "As many as 75,000 a year -- are thought to have lasting post-operative problems from having had elective LASIK surgery that include painful dry-eye, poorer vision, halos, glare, blindness:",0,2074207.story

 October 20th, 2009:  LifeAfterLasik Asks Dr. Sharstein/Dr. Hamburg at "FDA" To Involve The Hurt LASIK Advocacy Group Efforts In Being A Part of The "Quality of Life Post LASIK Study" To Make Sure The Study Isn't Fabricated To Skew Satisfaction Rates:

 October 20th, 2009:  LifeAfterLasik Asks NEI "National Eye Institute" To Involve The Hurt LASIK Advocacy Group Efforts In Being  A Part of The "Quality of Life Post LASIK Study" To Make Sure The Study Isn't Fabricated To Skew Satisfaction Rates:

 October 20th, 2009:  LifeAfterLasik Asks "Dr. Waring III (Editor of Journal of Refractive Surgery)" To Include Hurt LASIK Advocacy Groups Efforts In "Post LASIK Quality of Life Study" So That Honest Results Can Be Concluded:

 October 19th, 2009:  Dr. Rupard states "LASIK causes a decline in Lacrimal Gland function
"which are "known long term problems of every LASIK surgery:"

 October 18th, 2009:  FDA States "LASIK Centers Have Not Been Reporting ALL LASIK PATIENT Complications:"

 October 17th, 2009:  Braves Catcher McCann Has 2nd LASIK Surgery To Fix Blurred Problems Of First LASIK Surgery:

 October 16th, 2009:  LASIK Surgery Watch Sends Letter To FDA's Device Evaluation Dr. Tillman Asking To "Pull LASIK Devices" Until Real Clinical Studies Can Be Performed To Guarantee Patient Efficacy and Patient Safety:

 October 15th, 2009:  FDA Concerned About LASIK, Starts "Post LASIK Quality of Life Study:"

 October 15th, 2009:  FDA issues 17 Warning Letters to LASIK ambulatory surgical centers after
recent inspections revealed that they had inadequate systems for reporting adverse events:  

October 15th, 2009:  LASIK Surgery Watch says CDRH should recall all-laser LASIK devices
that were given 510(k) clearance with rigorous clinical trials:

 October 9th, 2009:  "Long Term Quality Of Life LASIK Study" in the works to prove every LASIK procedure leaves it's victims "permanently scarred for life, with permanent Adverse Complications such as Dry Eye Syndrome:"
 October 8th, 2009:  FDA Warns The Public About Prescription "eye lash drug enhancer" Latisse':

 October 7th, 2009:  "If Permanent Dry Eye Syndrome with no known cure isn't directly related to LASIK,  then why are there so many "Post LASIK Clinical Studies with Permanent Dry Eye Syndrome taking place right now?
 October 6th, 2009:  Atlanta Braves Pitcher, Brian McCann, Still NOT happy with his LASIK
surgery complaining of Dry Eye, Blurry Vision:

 October 5th, 2009:  Look at the initial "LASIK Clinical Study" and notice how many flaws there were and how uncomfortable many of these Ophthalmologists felt about approving LASIK when there were already a bunch of permanent problems in these studies:

 Click below to read my notes on this 300 page study, and why I think everyone thinking of LASIK should take time to read this:

 October 5th, 2009:  "Before You Have LASIK Eye Surgery, A Must Read:"

 September 30th, 2009:  Hollywood, FL Ophthalmologist Alan Mendelsohn charged with 32 counts of Fraud/FBI Allegations:

  September 30th, 2009: Sets Trial for January 12, 13, 14th, 2010, for "revocation of license" from the infamous Nicholas C. Caro, LASIK medical director of Saint George Vision, Chicago, IL (having accumulated over 50+ LASIK lawsuits).  For more information, please contact:  100 W. Randolph, 9th Floor, Chicago, IL  60601, Phone: (312) 814- 4500.
 September 25th, 2009:  Meredith L. Van Tine At The University of Virginia School of Law ‘10:
LASIK Surgery: Eye Opening Information on Patient Risk

 September 18th, 2009:  Reuters:  Former Deputy FDA Commissioner John Norris Appointed Chief Operating Officer at Health Discovery Corporation:  "He also has extensive management experience including leading the team responsible for the billion dollar turn-around and sale of laser-eye-surgery pioneer Summit Technology:"

 September 17th, 2009:  Physician Says "LASIK Docs & Their Staff" Are Not Reporting Hurt LASIK Patients To FDA:

 September 17th, 2009:  Thousands Of Hurt LASIK Patient's Stories Removed Off Of The FDA's Website:  Why Would The FDA NOT Want The Public To See These Stories?

September 16th, 2009:  Ex-FDA Attorney Tells FDA They Are In Violation For Not Enforcing The MDR regulation, 21 C.F.R. Part 803, requiring maintenance of and adherence to documented procedures in order to implement these requirements. ALL LASIK Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (ASFs) must comply with these requirements, because failure to do so is a violation of law.  More scrutiny and possible Criminal Investigations into the new FDA Commissioner for continuing to ignore this: .

 September 15th, 2009:  FDA LASIK Response To FDAWebview Challenged:  or 9/15/09 Posted)
 September 14th, 2009:  LASIK SURGERY WATCH Sends Out The Following Letter To FDA/CDRH Giving Medical Evidence That Details Clinical Studies Further Proving That ALL LASIK Procedures Are Harmful No Matter Which Doctor Performs Them.  Giving Further Evidence That LASIK Has More Like A 20%+ Permanent Complication/Adverse Event Rate:

 September 11th, 2009:  FDA to review (18) Violative LASIK Doctors and their facilities for compliance:

(9/11/09 Posted)

 September 8th, 2009:  In yet another setback for CDRH, the Center’s former chief of LASIK device reviews tells us the agency “screwed up” in failing to set standards adverse event limits for the procedure, due to a lack of in-house expertise and added pressure from the industry:  or 9/8/09 News Page.
 September 1st, 2009:  Consumer Reports Post LASIK Study shows 55% of patients regress back to
Glasses and have long-term complications from "elective LASIK surgery:"

 August 23rd, 2009:  Dr. Mark Whitten, LASIK Surgeon, TLC Vision, Sued:

 August 12th, 2009:  Will There Be An Investigation Into The Resignation of Daniel Schultz, Director of FDA/CDRH?:

 August 11th, 2009:  FDA/CDRH Director Daniel Schultz Resigns (Got Fired For Not Protecting The Public??):

 July 31st, 2009:  Patients file Class Action LASIK Lawsuit against LASIK VISION INSTITUTE for deceptive advertising:

 July 14th, 2009:  Chicago Breaking News:  LASIK Doctor Nicholas C. Caro of Saint George Vision Under Scrutiny: 50+ LASIK Lawsuits And Counting.  More hurt LASIK patients are contacting the about Dr. Caro Ruining Their Vision:

 July 10th, 2009:  Chicago Medical Malpractice:  Dr. Nicholas Caro, IL doctor still performing despite wealth of lawsuits:

 July 8th, 2009:  (LifeAfterLASIK):  To Initiate "Long-Term LASIK Studies" Asking Hurt LASIK Patients To Fill Out Form Telling Their Story of LASIK Dissatisfaction In (1) or (Both) Eyes, Filing (2) Forms:

July 8th, 2009:  LifeAfterLasik Initiates Long-Term LASIK Study Asking All Hurt LASIK Patients To File Complaints:

July 5th, 2009:  Chicago Tribune:  Dr. Nicholas Caro and Saint George Vision, Chicago, IL, sited by the Chicago Tribune for “gross medical negligence” having accumulated 50+ LASIK Lawsuits and counting but having received NO DISCIPLINARY ACTION  by the Dept. of Regulation.  Why is the Dept. of Regulation protecting Dr. Caro?…,0,4426814.story?page=1

June 27th, 2009:  FDA Is Sent Letter Asking Why They Put A Medwatch Alert Out on Zicam Cold Products Because They Were Linked To Loss of Smell And Loss of Quality Of Life, Yet The FDA Ignores Hurt LASIK Patients Wanting LASIK MORATORIUM For Loss of Eyesight, Loss of Quality of Life From Elective LASIK Surgery:

 June 15th, 2009:  LASIK SURGEON:  Dr. Gabriele and His Wife Commit Suicide:

 June 13th, 2009:  $5.6 Million LASIK Lawsuit Win: 
Johnson Devadas and Saramma Devadas v. Kevin Niksarli, M.D.,
Manhattan LASIK Center, PLLC, and NewSight Laser Center, PLLC

 June 12th, 2009:  LASIK FACILITY Shut Down For Defrauding Patients:

 June 11th, 2009:  Letter Goes Out To President Obama Asking For A Moratorium On LASIK:

 June 10th, 2009:  LASIK Doctors Agree That The Problem Is In The Creation Of A Flap:  Which is LASIK, NOT PRK:

 June 10th, 2009:  LASIK Surgeons Can't Even Agree On What Is The Safest Method To Create A FLAP:   Why?  No FLAP Is Safe:

 June 4th, 2009:  LCA Vision LASIK Sales Down 45%:

 Nov. 2008:  Is The FDA and CDRH Purposely Deceiving America About The Risks Of LASIK:

  June 3rd, 2009:  FDA Accepts LASIK Petition by LASIK Surgery Watch / Facebook:
 FDA Acceptance of my petition Docket number FDA-2009-P-0253-0001-CP 05-29-2009.pdf
 June 2009:  Proof That Daniel Schultz FDA / CDRH Only Inspected (3) LASIK Facilities From 2000 - 2008:
 This is a clear violation of the "Medical Reporting Act of 1990:"

June 1st, 2009:  LASIK Sales are down 45% for April 2009.  If they go bankrupt, where is the warranty on your eyes?

June 1st, 2009:  Has The FDA/CDRH Responded Yet To Your "HURT LASIK PATIENT Medwatch/Maude Complaint?"
If NOT, Send Them An Internal Email Here Telling Them You Are Upset Because You Havent' Heard Anything:

 May 25th, 2009:  FDA/CDRH Is Petitioned Again For Investigation Into LASIK Centers & Immediate Moratorium:
 LASIK Scott Tolchin Petition May 25 2009.pdf
May 23rd, 2009:  Athletes stating they are plagued with Post LASIK Problems:

May 23rd, 2009:  CNN:  FDA:  Doctors MUST Start Telling Patients About LASIK Risks In Ads:

May 23rd, 2009:  Reuters:  FDA:  LASIK Facilities MUST Inform Patients About All Known LASIK Risks In All Ads:

May 22nd, 2009:  FDANewsAlert:  More Problems & Complications With LASIK Being Learned: 
Original Clinical Studies May Indeed Be Flawed...Maybe Even Falsified!!

May 22nd, 2009:  Forbes:  LASIK Ads Must Tell Consumers All of The Known Risks or Criminal Charges May Apply:

 May 22nd, 2009:  Reuters:  FDA Press Release:  LASIK Ads Must Start Advertising All Of The Risks:

 May 22nd, 2009:  FDA:  FDA Commissioner sends out letter to all Eye Care Professionals with more LASIK WARNINGS:

(The FDA took down the letter that was originally here: )

May 22nd, 2009:  MSNBC:  LASIK Ads Must Advertise ALL Risks So That Consumers Are Informed:

May 22nd, 2009:  FDA's Acting Commissioner, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Investigates LASIK Patient Complaints:

 May 21st, 2009:  Letter sent to 200 Congressmen/women to put an immediate MORATORIUM on LASIK:

May 15th, 2008:  Petition filed to put an IMMEDIATE MORATORIUM on ALL LASIK DEVICES:

 Does the LASIK FLAP ever heal?  Answer: NO, it does not according to Dr. Lloyd:

 May 20th, 2009:  Patients by the train loads, are becoming more upset with their LASIK doctors:

 May 19th, 2009: College baseball player, Trevor Tyre, finds healing after LASIK "depressing":

May 19th, 2009:  Another Pro Golfer hurt from LASIK Surgery:

May 16th, 2009: Father of professional baseball player, Brian McCann,
concerned with his son's mental state due to vision problems after LASIK:

Did Army Surgeon, Scott Barnes, give a misleading testimony at the Emergency FDA LASIK hearing?

May 15th, 2009:  Facebook-LASIK Surgery Watch Attains 335 Members, Goal of 10,000 by April 15th, 2010:

May 15th, 2009:  LASIK Sales Are Way Down in 2009 because of the the Alarming Amount of Complications Being Reported...

May 1st, 2009:  K-State professor awarded $1.48 million to study LASIK COMPLICATIONS:

 May 1st, 2009:  Atlanta Braves Catcher, Brian McCann's vision ruined from LASIK...

April 4th, 2009:  Letter To President Obama about the ongoing corruption at the FDA regarding Dr. Daniel Schultz...

 Saturday April 25th 2009 Marks the "One Year Anniversary" of the Emergency FDA Hearings on LASIK  What has been accomplished since those hearings to inform the public about the true nature of...

 Need more proof that LASIK should have never have been approved by the FDA and that the 95.4% Success Rate is bogus?

 FDA:  "Not providing Scientific Evidence" with the FDA Medical Device Approval Process...

Part One
Part Two 
Part Three
 April 25th, 2008:  FDA Calls For Emergency LASIK Panel Discussion In Wash, DC:

 Watch The Emergency LASIK Panel Discussion That Took Place On April 25th, 2008.  The FDA is very concerned about LASIK, and has decided to take a second look at the unpredictability of LASIK, unscrupulous doctors, and the Informed Consent Form.

 (click above to hear hurt LASIK patients begging FDA to stop LASIK)
YouTube Presentations of Hurt LASIK Patients

CRS Today:  Summary of Hurt LASIK Patients

Slides of Damaged Patients/Presentations

(Shows the FDA's text version "Summary Minutes) of speakers)
 Hurt from LASIK surgery?  Register for free to LASIKSugeryWatch.  It is vital that patients who have had poor outcomes from refractive surgery be represented as a group with a voice by a patient advocacy organization such as LSW.  This has never been done before and the time is right to do it now.

 Patient Advocate, Dean Andrew Kantis, Challenges The FDA To Turn In ALL LASIK Patient Complaints:

 April 25th, 2008:  FDA Emergency LASIK Panel Discussion Reports of Dissatisfied LASIK Patients:

 What is LASIK & Why Did The FDA Call For An Emergency FDA Panel On April 25th, 2008:

2009 LASIK Related News:  Famous News Anchors,
Talk Show Hosts, Celebs, And Athletes Ruined From LASIK:
 April 1st, 2009:  Philadelphia Inquirer:  Is LASIK Safe and worth the risks?  Is the FDA telling you the entire story?

 April 21st, 2008:  Is LASIK safe in the Military?  Hear from someone who became MUCH WORSE and is warning you:

 October 24th, 2008:  Attorney Lissa Lising – wife of Ian Lising, assistant professor, speaks of botched LASIK procedure:

 August 24th, 2008:  Alcon sued by unhappy LASIK patients for permanent damages:

Professional Golfer Vijay Singh complains of LASIK Surgery hurting his "putting game:"

Professional Golfer Kenny Perry complains of LASIK Surgery and now having an "eye infection" forcing him to drop out of the PGA:,28136,1830583,00.html?eref=golf

 Professional Golfer Tiger Woods has had multiple post LASIK surgeries.  What's really going on with Tiger's Eyes:
 NBC NEWS Chicago, Warns of Nick Caro's Seized Black Box Laser By The FDA & US Marshalls:

FOX NEWS Chicago, Warns of Patients Getting LASIK & In Using The Alcon Ladarvision Laser:

 CBS NEWS:  Says To "Read The Fine Print" When Having LASIK Elective Surgery:

 ASCRS/EYEWORLD:  Michael Patterson, PHD and Dean Andrew Kantis
Petition The FDA About Known Damages Of Every LASIK Elective Eye Surgery:

Speech In Front of The Emergency FDA Panel By Activist:  Dean Andrew Kantis

Slideshow In Front of The Emergency FDA Panel By Activist:  Dean Andrew Kantis

 Slideshow From The Emergency FDA Panel:  All Guest Speakers

NBC NIGHTLY NEWS:  Brian Williams Warning Americans About Complications. 
Dean Andrew Kantis Shown Speaking, Warning Americans That the 95% Success Rate Is Bogus
 Because The Doctors Are Defining Success Differently Than The Patients:

CBS NEWS:  Patient Advocates Dean Andrew Kantis, Roger Davis and Michael Patterson Warn The Public:

FOX NEWS:   The FDA Knows Something Is Wrong With LASIK & Is Taking A 2nd Look At LASIK:

 Corrupt LASIK Surgeons:June 3rd, 2008 The Natural News:  Dr. Marguerite B. McDonald, the former Chief Medical Editor of EyeWorld, an international publication for ophthalmologists:" We are only starting to ride the enormous growth curve of LASIK in this country. There will be more than enough surgeries for everyone to benefit if we keep our heads by sharing information openly and honestly and by resisting the temptation to criticize the work of our colleagues when we are offering a second opinion to a patient with a suboptimal result." 
Reports That LASIK Leaves About 48% of Patients With Permanent Dry Eye

Injury Board:  Announces That The FDA Will Add 4 Items To Give More Informed Consent With LASIK:

ASSOCIATED PRESS:  FDA Is Taking A Second Look At LASIK After 10 Years of Complaints:

CBS NEWS:  Katie Couric Talks About The Problems With LASIK Elective Eye Surgery:

April 2008:  FDA/CDRH confirms that only (3) LASIK centers have been investigated since the year 2000:

CBS Interviews Hurt Patients Describing LASIK Results:
Experts Advise NEW WARNING For LASIK:

Alternatives To PERMANENT LASIK Surgery That You May Want To Consider:

Dallas , TX News:  LASIK Is Causing Suicides & Permanent Dry Eye Far Worse Than Contact Lenses:

The Public Has The Right To Know The Truth About LASIK:

FDA PANEL Is Asked:  "Is The 95% Success Rate Misrepresented?"

FOX NEWS:  LASIK Now Under FED Scrutiny:

NEW YORK TIMES:  More Bad News For LASIK Doctors:

GOOGLE NEWS:  FDA Takes Closer Look At BAD LASIK Results:


FORBES :  The FDA Examines "Quality of Life" of LASIK Patients:

CNN WARNS:  FDA Takes Closer Look At Patients Complaints:

WASHINGTON POST: LASIK Patients Describe Complications At FDA Hearing:

 MSNBC WARNS:  FDA Examines Blurred Related Vision Problems:

CBS WARNS:  The FDA Wants To Take Another Look At The SAFETY of LASIK Surgery:

NEW YORK TIMES:  Economy Slows And So Does LASIK Eye Surgery:



 New York Times Reporter, Abby Ellin Warns:  "TROUBLING EFFECTS OF LASIK SURGERY..."

 REUTERS Warns Public About LASIK Quality Being Investigated:

MSNBC Warns Public About LASIK Quality Being Investigated:

YAHOO Warns Public About LASIK Quality Being Investigated:

New York Times Warns Public About Post LASIK Quality of Vision Problems:

Chicago Tribune Warns Public That LASIK Failure Rate CAN Be High:,0,7016699.story

The North Carolina Observer Warns Public That LASIK Could Lead To Suicide:

 "The Grey Sheet" Warns Public About LASIK Quality Being Investigated:

 Channel 10:  Warns Public About The 10 Things The LASIK Doctor Won't Tell you:

Eye Doctor Warning You That LASIK Doctors Are More Interested In Making Money
Than In Their Patient's Health or Best Interests:

Feb. 17th, 2008:  LASIK Complication:  "Oil Gland Secretion..."

Eye World tells that patients whom have LASIK Surgery, are at an increased risk for eye infections:

Article in Feb. 2008 warning you that LASIK is still NOT SAFE and is causing many patients severe depression and in some cases suicides:

 -Click Here-  To Read The Update On My Attempt To Fix Nick Caro's Horrific LASIK, And My Surgical Attempt In Tromso, Norway To Have Dr. Stojanovic Perform PRK Surface Treatment Using The State of The Art www.IvisTech.comTechnology ...

Channel 10 News:  Warning The Public About LASIK NOT Being Safe & The Lies By The Lying LASIK Doctors

Dr . Nicholas Charles Caro, LASIK Surgeon, tries to sue hurt LASIK patient,
Mr. Dean Andrew Kantis for $2,000,000 and LOSES!!

Experienced Doctor (who tries to fix what the LASIK doctors are messing up) Warns Others To "NOT GET LASIK:"

Ex-LASIK Doctor Describes The Permanent Damages Of LASIK Surgery:

My Personal Story & Why I Feel LASIK Is NOT In Anyone's Best Interest:

(An online forum where Hurt LASIK Patients share stories, pictures and information about how badly their Lying LASIK Doctor has ruined their lives...See for yourself) 

Celebrity List Of Hurt LASIK Patients:
March 4th, 2008:  Celebrity Germain Dupri goes BLIND after having LASIK:

Tiger Woods Ex-Girlfriend Ruined From LASIK By Same Doctor?  Why Isn't This On
Every News Station Across The World Every Time He Wins A Championship?

KATHY GRIFFIN, actress/comedian, warns public about her LASIK Nightmare:

REGIS PHILBIN, talk show host, talks about his Post LASIK Floaters:

Prominent Medical Doctor Warns The Masses That LASIK Will NEVER BE SAFE!
Tiger Wood's Ex Girlfriend, Kashmira Karanjia, RUINED By The Same LASIK Doctor, Dr. Mark Whitten with TLC!!

Actress/Comedian Kathy Griffin, Suffers From Post LASIK:  2-3 Surgeries Later:

Show Host Regis Philbin, Complains About Having "Large Floaters" After Having LASIK In 2007:

Germain Dupri Goes BLIND After Having LASIK Elective Eye Surgery:  March 4th, 2008:

Nov . 9th, 2006:  Football Player:  Pat Tillman Dies As A Result of Being Shot In Combat
By Fellow Soldier Who Had LASIK & Couldn't See Clearly:

 YouTube LASIK Videos:


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